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Socks Blog - Monday 24 May 2004

Scan showing front and back of completed heel flaps

Ready to turn the heel

I completed both heel flaps which are now 2.5 inches long and 3.8 inches wide. Today there is a break from the rain, so I set the socks aside for and ran some errands. Fortunately, we don't have streets closed because of standing water as they do north and south of here. I live less than a block from the Milwaukee River and it is usually quite placid and a pleasure to view. Today, the rushing muddy water was a reminder of a tragedy.

Yesterday afternoon (Sunday) rescue helicopters flew over repeatedly trying to find two sisters. The younger one fell into the rain swollen river while playing and her older sister jumped in to help. Today the family's remaining hope is to be able to recover the bodies so they can lay the children to rest.

Boat searching Milwaukee River