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Mittens Blog - Tuesday 13 July 2004

Decreasing and closing the fingertips end

Yesterday I posted mostly things I did on Sunday after I uploaded. This morning I was planning to meet some friends for a walk, but it was threatening rain, so we cancelled. That was probably a good thing as I needed to take care of some errands between showers, things I skipped yesterday to write code.

This afternoon I continued to decrease as for the toe of the sock, redistributing the stitches to half and two quarters as the opening got smaller.

Mittens continuing the decrease

The unsettled weather continued. While washing up the dishes, I heard a rattling noise looked out to see hail falling. A few minutes later, the cumulus clouds were very dramatic:


Clouds after the hail

Unlike the socks, I made a more pointy tip for these mittens, continuing to decrease until there were 4, 4, and 8 stitches on the needles, then I knit across the remaining needle with four stitches. The mittens are now ready to weave (graft or Kitchener) the ends.

Mittens - ready to Kitchener the tips

So, what we have now is what looks like a short pair of socks without heels and with big gaping holes where the thumb stitches are held on threads.

Now, at about 6:30 PM, there is another downpour with patches of blue showing through the clouds.

Tomorrow, on to the thumbs!