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Socks Blog - Wednesday 19 May 2004

The cuffs

Working on the cuff

Today I worked on completing both cuffs. I wanted them to be about 3 inches deep, which was 30 rows.

Yesterday was fairly eventful. Now it is time to relax and go round and round on the ribbing. The main excitement is making sure to switch from K2 P2 ribbing to stockinette at the same place on each sock.

I didn't mention it yesterday, but I am knitting these socks in the traditional way, from the top to the bottom. Perhaps it is a bit premature to be calling them socks. At this point they could equally turn into a pair of mittens or the cuffs on a seamless sweater. It is sort of like the start of the school year or holding a newborn baby -- there is lots of potential and many possible paths.

Last month I missed the Knitting Meetup because I worked in the office downstairs during the day, then pretty much crashed out in the evening. This time I am determined to make it, so when I started feeling comfortable watching the news at 5 PM, I started to pack up and left the apartment at about 5:45 PM. I arrived at the venue, the Starbucks on Downer Avenue, on my electric scooter at about 6:30 PM. I was early, but so was the host, so we started right in. Eight people came, all knitting different things. One of the attendees kindly took the photo below - I am on the left.

Knitting at the Meetup

I didn't get a lot of knitting done, but it was great meeting fellow knitters. Suspect I will be paying for it .