If you are thinking of setting up a web site, please read on.
I write clean, standards compliant code to make pages that load quickly and are easy to maintain. I can show you or your staff how to set up and maintain your site and how to get the most value from your web hosting provider. If you don't like to bother with details, I can design a site for you and provide backups and maintenance for a setup fee and a low monthly retainer. By using open source software and basic developer's tools as much as possible, I keep your costs low.
No web project is too small, but my particular strengths are:
Technically speaking, besides web design, this includes web front-end (interface) development, and web back-end programming, database administration and design, and information management. The pieces are important, but most important is making sure they work together, meet your needs, and match your work style.
Brochures, custom business forms, and other documents can supplement your web presence and help promote your business or organization. For instance, if you find yourself using a mixture of spread sheets, word processor documents, and paper legacy solutions for data management, a centralized custom database solution may improve work flow and security. I can provide integrated design services as part of your web package.
Even if you don't have an immediate need for web design or other business services, please enjoy browing this site, in particular: