
It has been rainy since last Thursday with the exception of Sunday. Makes it gloomy, but as my mom says, we need the rain after a dry summer. They are hoping that it rains enough that they can get spring water again. Last night there were winter storm warnings for the counties east of here (higher elevations). This morning the rain is alternating with big slushy flakes of snow. The trees just reached their peak fall color.

Trees in autumn colors

On Sunday afternoon the sun started to peek through the clouds, so my mom decided it was a good time to take a ride. We went by country roads to De Maio’s supermarket on Route 85 in Numine where we got milk, then went on to the Dayton and Smicksburg area. We stopped at Smicksburg Mercantile, which my mom and dad like to visit, reminds them of what stores were like when they were growing up.

I am still getting stocked up on staples, so skipped over the candy (wow!) and hit the bulk foods getting oatmeal, farina, dry yeast, raw almonds. Was looking over the 50 lb sacks of flour, but still deciding what kind I want to stock up on for the winter.

When we returned, decided that the leaves here were about the best!

I had been getting bulk active dry yeast (1/4 lb at a time) at Outpost Natural Foods in Milwaukee, which was on the 14 bus line so I could take the scooter. I still had some left, but wanted to make sure I had plenty on hand because as it gets colder, baking bread becomes more appealing. My mom has been getting her yeast at the Mercantile for a while. I divided the package between several small glass jars and put it in the freezer.

I am planning to make Vienna Bread today. Need to make a fairly plain bread to check out flour. I already made a batch with King Arthur unbleached bread flour, now want to try the same with Ceresota. I made a loaf of oatmeal raisin bread following the King Arthur recipe on Saturday, but finished the last of it as toast with butter and cinnamon sugar with tea for breakfast this morning.

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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