solstice flowers

Yesterday afternoon I was moving around enough to go out with Bode for a mid-afternoon walk. I came down with another migraine on Wednesday. Although it was pleasant and the sun was out, it was low in the sky.

There are three plants that I brought in blooming now.

The Christmas cactus is at peak bloom. Cacti are rather zen plants, but when they bloom, are really showy.

A few days ago I noticed a cluster of three star-shaped pale pink flowers on the jade tree. They were quite small, about half an inch across, that had I not been watering the plants I probably wouldn’t have noticed them.

The last was the biggest surprise. I planted snapdragons late, and although they seemed to weather the first frosts, none of the buds opened. The day before the first hard frost, I picked a stem and put it in a little bottle of water in the kitchen window. It grew roots, but the two buds on it turned brown and dried up. The leaves looked OK, so I left it there for a bit of green. It grew another bud at the tip which is almost open this morning.

Booger! It sure took a while to notice it, but around the beginning of April I seem to have unchecked the “Allow Comments” box, and it is sticky, so just went through and enabled comments for about nine months worth of posts. Sigh…

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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