The move continues…

I mentioned in a post to a support group last week that I was writing from a new location. Someone wrote back asking how I accomplished a move with mitochondrial myopathy. The answer, of course, was that the move was still in progress. I started going through things in March when I learned the place on Cribbs Road had been sold. My new lease started on April 15 and I have until May 1 to be out of the old place. The big stuff went on Friday. I am taking my time with packing and resting frequently.

Bode spent Wednesday and Thursday nights here with me, then after the bed came on Friday, I went back and got Ling Ling. He seems to approve of the new place.

The weather has cooperated too. Was a bit worried last week when we had blowing snow, slush balls, and rain most of Monday. By Friday it was clear and warm, didn’t need to cover the load in my neighbor’s pickup truck. He and my dad did the bulk of the loading and unloading. They seemed to work together well, took apart whatever furniture they could and packed things tight.

One bedroom at the old place is entirely cleared. My goal this week is to clear one room each day.

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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