I had been using a prep blender for making smoothies. It works well for pureéing soups in my Instant Pot but I was getting splatter and a bit concerned that chopping ice was asking a bit much of it.
Decided to put a birthday gift certificate toward buying a NutriBullet high speed blender. It has been interesting trying recipes from the web as well as experimenting.
Smoothies can be used for bulking up as well as dieting to lose weight. It has been a struggle to keep at 120 lbs (54 kg, 8.6 stone). I thought I had escaped major illness this past winter, but ended up going to the ER with bronchitis the last week of May. Recovery has been slow, especially since I dropped to 113 lb. I decided to try adding extra nutrition in the form of smoothies. This was especially attractive in the summer with local fruits coming into season.
Pictured is this morning’s breakfast smoothie:
- Parsley (grown in a pot by my front door)
- Baby spinach
- Yoghurt (my own made with whole milk and half & half)
- Frozen banana chunks
- Frozen red grapes
- Orange juice