Haven’t put up a sunset photo for a while, about time to make a post. We have had our share of gray, cool, rainy days in November, along with a light snow one morning. The last two days have been beautiful though with clear skies, mild in the day and frosty at night.
Bode was ready to go out just after 5 am this morning. I usually feel a little bit annoyed that he doesn’t sleep in until it is light outside. I pull on wool socks, a sweater, and a hat (at which point he starts dancing around, a ball of furry joy). We go out the back door then I look up at the stars…
We have had elections since I last posted. Several friends who are citizens of other countries wrote to welcome us/USA back to the civilized world. I hope the promises can be fulfilled.
I have been singing in two choirs. One is fully functional and gives back to me many times over what the struggling one takes. I am learning new music and some pieces are becoming new favorites.
I still have carrots and parsley in the garden. They have slowed down but are still very tasty. In addition, the alyssum with its tiny white flowers brightens the bare earth and a brave purple-blue tiny pansy or two show their faces. The anemonies are the wonders though. I planted them at the date recommended on the package and they didn’t come up for a long time. They started blooming long after their season. Now they are still green and putting up new shoots and flower buds! I picked two over a week ago and put them in water. One has opened in response to our latest set of sunny days. There are flowers on the potted plants I brought in and the Christmas cactus is covered in buds, some are showing pink at the tips already. I am not watering the cacti, aloes, nor jade trees. They are in the cool east room.
It is still dark outside. Bode and Ling Ling are up, will feed them then crawl back in bed. Hope to fall asleep watching the stars then get up when it is light. I can see the stars through the window now even with the little lamp on. Sort of what I could see in Milwaukee. When I turn the lights off, I can see the stars through the window without my glasses. What I can see with lower levels of light pollution is still amazing over a year after I moved here.