Lots happening

I haven’t written for some time. Decided to give up the house after various problems — needed a lot less stress. It has been a rough year so far.

I rented a self-storage unit at the end of June and started to fill it while discarding things I no longer needed. I am currently renting a room with refrigerator and microwave in Shelocta PA. It is comfortable and restful after all the packing and no lease required. I can rotate stuff from the storage unit to avoid clutter.

So far the biggest issue has been internet access. I am writing this at Starbucks in Indiana PA. I can use the cell phone browser to check email and Facebook, but really need the lappie (G4 iBook) to do web sites.

I did finish a doily before I started to pack:

24 inch crocheted centerpiece doily

I took this picture with my cell phone camera, but it was too big to send. A couple days ago I got a USB micro-USB cable at KMart, so now able to access the videos, photos, and audio from the cell phone. I am getting to like it — in a small package you get the phone, calendar, alarms, rudimentary web browser and it keeps excellent time.

If you want to contact me, use my gmail address or call my cell phone.

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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