Monthly Archives: July 2005


I guess I should make it official. I am planning to move to Pennsylvania in September. Last spring I was talking to my mother on the phone and feeling frustrated that it is a 12 hour or more drive to … Continue reading

Posted in General, Moving, Photos, Technical | 2 Comments

spoiled milk

Not a happy camper this morning. I brewed a pot of tea as usual. I put a teaspoon of sugar into a mug and added the milk. When I poured the hot tea into the mug, the milk curdled. Sigh… … Continue reading

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Buzzed and Bastille Days

On Thursday around 1:30 PM a fighter jet screamed over at low altitude. Then it happened again, then another one joined in. This wasn’t very reassuring with the London bombings last week and the post 9/11 burnt in images of … Continue reading

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Pharmacists refusing to fill birth control prescriptions for women as a matter of conscience has been bothering me. I will be the first to say that I have benefitted greatly when pharmacists have stepped in, like to call the doctor … Continue reading

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light post

This will be a short journal. Got a bad headache on Friday, it is going away. We have an ozone action alert today. Not good for people with chronic respiratory problems. I am out of milk, need to go out … Continue reading

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