Category Archives: Photos

Contains a picture or is about photography

Still life with blender

I had been using a prep blender for making smoothies. It works well for pureéing soups in my Instant Pot but I was getting splatter and a bit concerned that chopping ice was asking a bit much of it. Decided … Continue reading

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Canon Powershot SX530 HS to iPad gen 6

So many devices, so little time! I am using Safari to post this from my iPad after connecting it to the camera using the Canon app I downloaded from the App Store. I have been transferring images from the PowerShot … Continue reading

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Part of this morning’s mission at my father’s house was to check the stream for a deer carcass. Instead I found some lovely yellow iris blooming. Sometimes it is good to not find what you seek. LOL Photos from my … Continue reading

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Maybe it has something to do with the big 7-oh coming up all too soon, but I have been having a lot of “why didn’t I do this sooner” moments lately. Hummus and tortilla chips has been a favorite “recovery … Continue reading

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better pictures

This gallery contains 4 photos.

I transferred these photos from the iPhone and uploaded them in Safari on my MacBook Air. Looks like we will be tethering for image intensive posts.

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