Category Archives: Blather

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Mousey Tale

Below: Live capture trap with mouse inside. After the furry little party animals interrupted my sleep several nights in a row I decided to reinstitute the capture and release program averaging one mouse a day for the past six days. … Continue reading

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toy story

Wild Thing is back with Atticus following emergency surgery early this morning to repair a ruptured back seam. The injury was discovered last night, after which he spent a quiet night on a high shelf, much to Atticus’ disappointment. No … Continue reading

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Lately I have been thinking that the size of my dad’s collection of remote control devices has gotten out of control. It is heartbreaking to hear him say he doesn’t understand why they keep changing things. Sigh…

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Training your human to fetch

Professor Atticus here with advice. It takes a bit of effort but humans can be trained. A good way to start is with fetch. First you need to try when your human is receptive, i.e. in a playful mood. Bring … Continue reading

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fb inspired rant

One of my former students shared a short video clip of Senator John McCain apparently participating in a don’t ask don’t tell hearing. I won’t post a link, but it was played on Comedy Central and the word Zen was … Continue reading

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