Although I am a scientist, I have been earning my living by programming and providing computer support for the past several years.
From January 1998 through June 2001 I provided computer support and ran servers at Extendicare Health Services in downtown Milwaukee.
From October 1995 to December 1997 I worked as an IS database and PC support specialist at MIC which is an office of the UW System located in Milwaukee. Their phone number is 414 227-3111. MIC provides information about attending college and targets persons of color and/or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity. This is a good place to get information, especially if, like mine, your parents didn't finish high school nor attend college.
uwmic@csd.uwm.eduAt the Great Lakes WATER Institute I do maintenance on the X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer and other equipment. To book appointments on the XRF or XRD, call Rob Paddock or Pat Anderson at 382-1731. Beginning September 2001 I will be working with Professor Harvey Bootsma on setting up a public access Lake Michigan water quality database.
Omnifest Community Network sadly, due to a number of factors, closed March 31, 1998. I started working on this public Internet Access project sometime in late 1992 or early 1993.