Computer Support and Consulting Work

Although I am a scientist, I have been earning my living by programming and providing computer support for the past several years.

From January 1998 through June 2001 I provided computer support and ran servers at Extendicare Health Services in downtown Milwaukee.

Multicultural Information Center - MIC

From October 1995 to December 1997 I worked as an IS database and PC support specialist at MIC which is an office of the UW System located in Milwaukee. Their phone number is 414 227-3111. MIC provides information about attending college and targets persons of color and/or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity. This is a good place to get information, especially if, like mine, your parents didn't finish high school nor attend college.

Great Lakes WATER Institute (Center for Great Lakes Studies)

At the Great Lakes WATER Institute I do maintenance on the X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer and other equipment. To book appointments on the XRF or XRD, call Rob Paddock or Pat Anderson at 382-1731. Beginning September 2001 I will be working with Professor Harvey Bootsma on setting up a public access Lake Michigan water quality database.

Community networks and Free-Nets

Omnifest Community Network sadly, due to a number of factors, closed March 31, 1998. I started working on this public Internet Access project sometime in late 1992 or early 1993.